Montgomery County Plan Commission - Meeting & Public Hearing-July 24, 2019 @ 6:00 pm @ Montgomery County Courthouse - Room 103. Public Hearing-to consider certain text amendments to the Montgomery County Zoning Ordinance

Public Hearing to Consider Text Amendments to the Montgomery County Zoning Ordinance.  

The proposed text amendments would:

(1) add Article 10 which regulates the siting requirements for Confined Feeding Operations and provide for procedures for approval and siting requests;

(2)  add Article 11 which establishes an Urban Overlay District for land within one-half (1/2) of one mile from the corporate limites of the City of Crawfordsville;

(3)  amend the Use Table of the Zoning Ordinance (Table A) in order to specify that Confined Feeding Operations and Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations are permitted uses in the Agricultural District;

(4)  add Article 12 which provides for application and other fees for the zoning process.