Drainage Board Minutes - 04/24/2007




The Montgomery County Drainage Board met on Tuesday, April 24, 2007 in the conference room at the South Boulevard County Building, 110 West South Boulevard, Crawfordsville, Indiana.

Those members present were as follows: Commissioner Phil Bane, Chairman; Commissioner William D. McCormick, Vice Chairman; Deanna Durrett, Member/Executive Secretary; Dave Rhodes, Member; Jack Grimble, Member; Surveyor Tom Cummins; and Drainage Board Secretary Lori Dossett.

Also present: Commissioner Harry Siamas; Wade Bennett; CK Wilkins; Ward Wilkins; Barry Lewis, The Paper; Building Administrator Marc Bonwell; Rob Durrett; Marian Lindow-League of Women Voters; Merlin Cox; and Larry Gentry.

Drainage Board President Phil Bane called the meeting to order @ 8:00 a.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance and Reverend Ron Threlkeld led the prayer.

Approval of Minutes - April 10, 2007

Bill McCormick moved to approve the April 10, 2007 minutes. Deanna Durrett seconded. 3-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.

Thomas Wilkins Drain - Drainage Board Attorney Suanne Milligan questioned if the Thomas Wilkins Drain is still presenting problem and C.K. Wilkins advised that it is. Bill McCormick moved to place the discussion of the Thomas Wilkins Drain on the May 15, 2007 Drainage Board agenda. Dave Rhodes seconded. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.
Staff Reports - Surveyor Cummins requested that the following drains be set for deficit drain hearings: Charles Ludlow #1, George Hutton and Chrineyance-Schenck. Bill McCormick moved to set the deficit drain hearings on June 26, 2007 @ 8:00 a.m. at the City Building. Dave Rhodes seconded. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.
Procedure on Deficit Drain Repairs - Deanna Durrett moved to adopt the proposed Procedure for Deficit Drain Repairs. Jack Grimble seconded. The Board discussed that during the deficit drain hearings property owners were advised that no repairs on drains would be made until the drains were no longer deficit. The Deficit Drain Policy will be re-tooled and a strategy will be discussed to notify property owners of the new policy. The Surveyor proposed repairs to the following deficit drains: James Sanders, Richard Virts, Ebenezer McClaskey, Linn Himes and Smith Elmore. (No Action Taken on the Original Motion)

Jack Grimble moved to table the Procedure for Deficit Drain Repair. Deanna Durrett seconded. 5- votes in favor. Motion carried.

Vancleave Ditch - New Market - Merlin Cox and Larry Gentry appeared before the Board advised the Board that the culvert located under CR600 South has blown out and is starting to cave in. He advised that he spoke to Highway Director Brett Cating who had advised him that the culvert is not a bridge and therefore not the responsibility of the Highway Department. Deanna Durrett requested authorization to hire a consulting engineer to review the condition of the culvert. Bill McCormick requested that Mr. Cating attend the next Drainage Board meeting.

Drainage Board Attorney Suanne Milligan questioned if the Thomas Wilkins Drain is still presenting problem and C.K. Wilkins advised that it is. Bill McCormick moved to place the discussion of the Thomas Wilkins Drain on the May 15, 2007 Drainage Board agenda. Dave Rhodes seconded. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.
Staff Reports - Surveyor Cummins requested that the following drains be set for deficit drain hearings: Charles Ludlow #1, George Hutton and Chrineyance-Schenck. Bill McCormick moved to set the deficit drain hearings on June 26, 2007 @ 8:00 a.m. at the City Building. Dave Rhodes seconded. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.
Procedure on Deficit Drain Repairs - Deanna Durrett moved to adopt the proposed Procedure for Deficit Drain Repairs. Jack Grimble seconded. The Board discussed that during the deficit drain hearings property owners were advised that no repairs on drains would be made until the drains were no longer deficit. The Deficit Drain Policy will be re-tooled and a strategy will be discussed to notify property owners of the new policy. The Surveyor proposed repairs to the following deficit drains: James Sanders, Richard Virts, Ebenezer McClaskey, Linn Himes and Smith Elmore. (No Action Taken on the Original Motion)

Jack Grimble moved to table the Procedure for Deficit Drain Repair. Deanna Durrett seconded. 5- votes in favor. Motion carried.

Vancleave Ditch - New Market - Merlin Cox and Larry Gentry appeared before the Board advised the Board that the culvert located under CR600 South has blown out and is starting to cave in. He advised that he spoke to Highway Director Brett Cating who had advised him that the culvert is not a bridge and therefore not the responsibility of the Highway Department. Deanna Durrett requested authorization to hire a consulting engineer to review the condition of the culvert. Bill McCormick requested that Mr. Cating attend the next Drainage Board meeting.

Surveyor Cummins requested that the following drains be set for deficit drain hearings: Charles Ludlow #1, George Hutton and Chrineyance-Schenck. Bill McCormick moved to set the deficit drain hearings on June 26, 2007 @ 8:00 a.m. at the City Building. Dave Rhodes seconded. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.
Procedure on Deficit Drain Repairs - Deanna Durrett moved to adopt the proposed Procedure for Deficit Drain Repairs. Jack Grimble seconded. The Board discussed that during the deficit drain hearings property owners were advised that no repairs on drains would be made until the drains were no longer deficit. The Deficit Drain Policy will be re-tooled and a strategy will be discussed to notify property owners of the new policy. The Surveyor proposed repairs to the following deficit drains: James Sanders, Richard Virts, Ebenezer McClaskey, Linn Himes and Smith Elmore. (No Action Taken on the Original Motion)

Jack Grimble moved to table the Procedure for Deficit Drain Repair. Deanna Durrett seconded. 5- votes in favor. Motion carried.

Vancleave Ditch - New Market - Merlin Cox and Larry Gentry appeared before the Board advised the Board that the culvert located under CR600 South has blown out and is starting to cave in. He advised that he spoke to Highway Director Brett Cating who had advised him that the culvert is not a bridge and therefore not the responsibility of the Highway Department. Deanna Durrett requested authorization to hire a consulting engineer to review the condition of the culvert. Bill McCormick requested that Mr. Cating attend the next Drainage Board meeting.

. The Board discussed that during the deficit drain hearings property owners were advised that no repairs on drains would be made until the drains were no longer deficit. The Deficit Drain Policy will be re-tooled and a strategy will be discussed to notify property owners of the new policy. The Surveyor proposed repairs to the following deficit drains: James Sanders, Richard Virts, Ebenezer McClaskey, Linn Himes and Smith Elmore. (No Action Taken on the Original Motion)

Jack Grimble moved to table the Procedure for Deficit Drain Repair. Deanna Durrett seconded. 5- votes in favor. Motion carried.

Vancleave Ditch - New Market - Merlin Cox and Larry Gentry appeared before the Board advised the Board that the culvert located under CR600 South has blown out and is starting to cave in. He advised that he spoke to Highway Director Brett Cating who had advised him that the culvert is not a bridge and therefore not the responsibility of the Highway Department. Deanna Durrett requested authorization to hire a consulting engineer to review the condition of the culvert. Bill McCormick requested that Mr. Cating attend the next Drainage Board meeting.

- New Market - Merlin Cox and Larry Gentry appeared before the Board advised the Board that the culvert located under CR600 South has blown out and is starting to cave in. He advised that he spoke to Highway Director Brett Cating who had advised him that the culvert is not a bridge and therefore not the responsibility of the Highway Department. Deanna Durrett requested authorization to hire a consulting engineer to review the condition of the culvert. Bill McCormick requested that Mr. Cating attend the next Drainage Board meeting.
Drain Repair - Surveyor Cummins requested that the Board approve the proposed Procedure for Drain Repair wherein the Surveyor will select the "lowest & best estimate" of repairs that are less than $1,500 without Drainage Board approval. Bill McCormick moved to approve the Procedure for Drain Repair. Jack Grimble seconded. 5-0 votes in favor.

Spraying Program - Surveyor Cummins advised that Glen Price is currently working on a certified spraying program for the County.

- Surveyor Cummins requested that the Board approve the proposed Procedure for Drain Repair wherein the Surveyor will select the "lowest & best estimate" of repairs that are less than $1,500 without Drainage Board approval. Bill McCormick moved to approve the Procedure for Drain Repair. Jack Grimble seconded. 5-0 votes in favor.

Spraying Program - Surveyor Cummins advised that Glen Price is currently working on a certified spraying program for the County.

- Surveyor Cummins advised that Glen Price is currently working on a certified spraying program for the County.

Pending Drain Mapping Issues - Deanna Durrett advised that many landowner's are questioning watershed boundaries. She advised that there are nine drains wherein engineering advice is needed. She will be contacting two firms to discuss farm drainage issues.

- Deanna Durrett advised that many landowner's are questioning watershed boundaries. She advised that there are nine drains wherein engineering advice is needed. She will be contacting two firms to discuss farm drainage issues.

John Gobin Drain - Five tile holes have been reported on Tributary #1 within 70 feet of the southern part of the north tile. The field is currently planted.

- Five tile holes have been reported on Tributary #1 within 70 feet of the southern part of the north tile. The field is currently planted.

Jessie Snoddy Drain - Phil Bane advised that an estimate has been received from Biddle in the amount of $12,000 for the needed repairs to the Snoddy Drain. The question of who is responsible for the repairs has been an ongoing issue. Phil Bane read the minutes from a January, 2001 Drainage Board meeting wherein it states, "the County shall be responsible%u2026" Phil Bane will be requesting that the County Council appropriate the funds to make the necessary repairs to the Drain.

- Phil Bane advised that an estimate has been received from Biddle in the amount of $12,000 for the needed repairs to the Snoddy Drain. The question of who is responsible for the repairs has been an ongoing issue. Phil Bane read the minutes from a January, 2001 Drainage Board meeting wherein it states, "the County shall be responsible%u2026" Phil Bane will be requesting that the County Council appropriate the funds to make the necessary repairs to the Drain.

Mapping Report - Deanna Durrett advised that she has spoken to two firms interested in digitizing the 200 drain maps for the County. She is currently working on getting proposals from the firms and will report to the Drainage Board when those proposals have been received.

- Deanna Durrett advised that she has spoken to two firms interested in digitizing the 200 drain maps for the County. She is currently working on getting proposals from the firms and will report to the Drainage Board when those proposals have been received.

Strategic Plan Review - The Drainage Board will meet on Monday, June 11, 2007 @ 8:00 a.m. for a strategic planning session.

- The Drainage Board will meet on Monday, June 11, 2007 @ 8:00 a.m. for a strategic planning session.

Old Business

Bill McCormick advised that Tom Cummins resigned as Deputy Surveyor and was appointed Surveyor by the Commissioners at the April 23rd, 2007 Commissioners meeting.

James Hose Grant - Deanna Durrett advised that she met with the Linden Town Board on Thursday, April 26th and she was advised that the Town of Linden is willing to make a contribution. Bill McCormick moved to proceed with the grant for the Town of Linden. Jack Grimble seconded. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.

- Deanna Durrett advised that she met with the Linden Town Board on Thursday, April 26th and she was advised that the Town of Linden is willing to make a contribution. Bill McCormick moved to proceed with the grant for the Town of Linden. Jack Grimble seconded. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.

Thomas Wilkins Drain Order - Drainage Board Attorney Suanne Milligan advised that she has been contacted by Mr. Gwin's attorney that they will be requesting to take evidentiary depositions of Larry Utz, Jim Harper, Don Hester and Bob Cox.

- Drainage Board Attorney Suanne Milligan advised that she has been contacted by Mr. Gwin's attorney that they will be requesting to take evidentiary depositions of Larry Utz, Jim Harper, Don Hester and Bob Cox.

New Business

Discussion of Revised Forms and Filing Fees - Deanna Durrett advised that the forms for: Removal of Obstruction; Assumption of Mutual or Private Drain; Variance & Rate Hearing Orders need to be revised. Deanna Durrett advised she will look into the options and report them back to the Board.

- Deanna Durrett advised that the forms for: Removal of Obstruction; Assumption of Mutual or Private Drain; Variance & Rate Hearing Orders need to be revised. Deanna Durrett advised she will look into the options and report them back to the Board.

Converting Private Drains into Legal Drains - Surveyor Cummins requested advice from the Board on how to proceed converting a private drain into a legal drain. Drainage Board Attorney Suanne Milligan will look into the proper procedure.

- Surveyor Cummins requested advice from the Board on how to proceed converting a private drain into a legal drain. Drainage Board Attorney Suanne Milligan will look into the proper procedure.

Financial Report - Deanna Durrett advised that the Surveyor's office books have been reconciled with the Auditor's books. She advised there is $220,769.57 in the maintenance fund and $166,878.2 in the improvement funds. The balances are $5,000 off from the bank balance which is a major improvement from one year ago.

- Deanna Durrett advised that the Surveyor's office books have been reconciled with the Auditor's books. She advised there is $220,769.57 in the maintenance fund and $166,878.2 in the improvement funds. The balances are $5,000 off from the bank balance which is a major improvement from one year ago.

Claims - No claims were presented for approval.

- No claims were presented for approval.

Public Comment - No one came forward with a public comment.

- No one came forward with a public comment.

Bill McCormick moved to adjourn. Jack Grimble seconded. There being no further business before the Drainage Board, the meeting was adjourned. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned @ 9:50 a.m.

Minutes prepared by Lori Dossett, Drainage Board Secretary.

Lori Dossett, Secretary
Phil Bane, Chairman
William D. McCormick, Vice Chairman
Deanna Durrett, Member
David Rhodes, Member
Jack Grimble, Member