Drainage Board Minutes - 12/10/2007




The Montgomery County Drainage Board met on Monday, December 10, 2007 in the conference room of the Crawfordsville Public Library, Crawfordsville, Indiana.

Those members present were as follows: Commissioner Phil Bane, Chairman; Commissioner William D. McCormick, Vice Chairman; Deanna Durrett, Member/Executive Secretary; Dave Rhoads, Member; Jack Grimble, Member; Surveyor Tom Cummins; and Drainage Board Secretary Lori Dossett.

Also present: Drainage Board Attorney Suanne Milligan; Aleasha Sandley, Journal-Review; Rob Durrett; David Foster; Marian Lindow-League of Women Voters; Mark Kessler; Berley Britton, Norma Britton, Glen Griggs, Indiana Reline; Dave Knowling; Merlin Cox; Mark Barclay; Marilee Pearson; Kenny Pearson; Joe Woodrow.

Chairman Phil Bane called the meeting to order @ 6:30 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance and Reverend Walter Terry led the prayer.

Minutes - November 13, 20 & November 26, 2007

The minutes of November 13, 20, & 26, 2007 were reviewed. Deanna Durrett noted a correction on the November 13, 2007 minutes. Terry Cain is incorrectly listed as attending the meeting. The meeting was atteneded by Kenny Cain. The minutes incorrectly state the proper name of the Indiana Office of Community and rural Affairs regarding the James Hose Drain. Jack Grimble moved to approve the minutes of November 13, 20, and 26, 2007, as corrected. Dave Rhoads seconded. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.


James Hose Drain - Deanna Durrett advised that Banning Engineering has been selected as the engineering firm to administer the planning grant if the grant is awarded by the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs.


James Hose Drain - Deanna Durrett advised that Banning Engineering has been selected as the engineering firm to administer the planning grant if the grant is awarded by the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs.

Financial Report - Deanna Durrett distributed the 2007 Maintenance and Improvement balance sheet and the 2007 Drainage Board Budget report. Durrett advised that to date $10,826.62 in interest has been earned.

- Deanna Durrett distributed the 2007 Maintenance and Improvement balance sheet and the 2007 Drainage Board Budget report. Durrett advised that to date $10,826.62 in interest has been earned.

2008 Contractors - Deanna Durrett distributed the 2008 Contractors List.

- Deanna Durrett distributed the 2008 Contractors List.

Hearing on Pearson Petition for Reconstruction of Basil Van Cleave Drain.

Board President Phil Bane opened the hearing at 6:47 p.m. on the Pearson Petition for Reconstruction of the Basil Van Cleave Drain. Surveyor Cummins presented two options for reconstruction. After input from various landowners, Bill McCormick moved to approve Option #2 for reconstruction in the amount of $30,000 as attached to the minutes

and incorporated herein by reference. Deanna Durrett seconded. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.

and incorporated herein by reference. Deanna Durrett seconded. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.

There being no further business, Board President Phil Bane Closed the hearing at 7:10 p.m.

Glen Griggs - Indiana Reline - Mr. Griggs explained the process of slip lining drainage tile. Dave Rhoads moved to instruct Indiana Reline to explore the drainage problems on the John Galey Drain. Jack Grimble seconded. 4 votes in favor. 1 abstain (McCormick) Motion carried.

James Sanders Drain - Surveyor Cummins reported to the Board that Darrell Birge has started the work on the James Sanders Drain reconstruction.

- Mr. Griggs explained the process of slip lining drainage tile. Dave Rhoads moved to instruct Indiana Reline to explore the drainage problems on the John Galey Drain. Jack Grimble seconded. 4 votes in favor. 1 abstain (McCormick) Motion carried.

James Sanders Drain - Surveyor Cummins reported to the Board that Darrell Birge has started the work on the James Sanders Drain reconstruction.

- Surveyor Cummins reported to the Board that Darrell Birge has started the work on the James Sanders Drain reconstruction.

New Drainage Board Member - Deanna Durrett advised that interviews for Drainage Board member candidates will be held within the next week.

- Deanna Durrett advised that interviews for Drainage Board member candidates will be held within the next week.

Code of Ordinances - Suanne Milligan advised the Board that she has received the County Ordinances that apply to the Drainage Board. She dated that some of the dates on the ordinances need to be changed. Deanna Durrett advised that she will present a revised version of the ordinances needing to be changed to the Board at a later date.

- Suanne Milligan advised the Board that she has received the County Ordinances that apply to the Drainage Board. She dated that some of the dates on the ordinances need to be changed. Deanna Durrett advised that she will present a revised version of the ordinances needing to be changed to the Board at a later date.
Gwin vs. Wilkins - Suanne Milligan advised that she has received a Motion to Continue the February 19th hearing because of a schedule conflict. She advised that she has been further served with a Motion to Withdraw the Previous Motion and that she recommends that that Motion to Withdraw Previous Motion be allowed and the hearing will remain on the same February 19, 2008 date. Deanna Durrett moves to allow the Petitioner to withdraw their Previous Motion to Continue. Dave Rhoads seconded. 4 votes in favor. 1 abstain (Bane). Motion carried.

Inspection/Classification Report - Surveyor Cummins distributed to the Board Drain Classification Reports on the Richard Virts Drain and the Alvin Sparks Drain.

- Suanne Milligan advised that she has received a Motion to Continue the February 19th hearing because of a schedule conflict. She advised that she has been further served with a Motion to Withdraw the Previous Motion and that she recommends that that Motion to Withdraw Previous Motion be allowed and the hearing will remain on the same February 19, 2008 date. Deanna Durrett moves to allow the Petitioner to withdraw their Previous Motion to Continue. Dave Rhoads seconded. 4 votes in favor. 1 abstain (Bane). Motion carried.

Inspection/Classification Report - Surveyor Cummins distributed to the Board Drain Classification Reports on the Richard Virts Drain and the Alvin Sparks Drain.

- Surveyor Cummins distributed to the Board Drain Classification Reports on the Richard Virts Drain and the Alvin Sparks Drain.
Drainage Board 2008 Organizational Meeting - Deanna Durrett advised that the Crawfordsville Public Library is available for the Drainage Board to meet on the 2nd & 4th Monday's @ 9:30 a.m. Deanna Durrett moved to schedule the first organizational meeting on Monday, January 14, 2008 @ 9:30 a.m. Dave Rhoads seconded. 4-0 votes in favor. 1 abstain (Bane). Motion carried.

Public Comment - Dave Foster questioned how the Drainage Board members are being chosen. Mr. Foster was advised that the Drainage Board will conduct the interviews and make a recommendation to the Commissioners.

- Deanna Durrett advised that the Crawfordsville Public Library is available for the Drainage Board to meet on the 2nd & 4th Monday's @ 9:30 a.m. Deanna Durrett moved to schedule the first organizational meeting on Monday, January 14, 2008 @ 9:30 a.m. Dave Rhoads seconded. 4-0 votes in favor. 1 abstain (Bane). Motion carried.

Public Comment - Dave Foster questioned how the Drainage Board members are being chosen. Mr. Foster was advised that the Drainage Board will conduct the interviews and make a recommendation to the Commissioners.

Dave Foster questioned how the Drainage Board members are being chosen. Mr. Foster was advised that the Drainage Board will conduct the interviews and make a recommendation to the Commissioners.

Chairman Phil Bane commented that he has enjoyed serving on the Drainage Board. He stated that the Board has made progress in the last three years and things are headed in the right direction.

Jack Grimble moved to adjourn. Dave Rhoads seconded. There being no further business before the Drainage Board, the meeting was adjourned. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned @ 7:52 p.m.

Minutes prepared by Lori Dossett, Drainage Board Secretary.

Lori Dossett, Secretary

Phil Bane, Chairman


William D. McCormick, Vice Chairman


Deanna Durrett, Member


Dave Rhoads, Member


Jack Grimble, Member