Drainage Board Minures - 11/26/2007




The Montgomery County Drainage Board met on Monday, November 26, 2007 in the conference room of the Crawfordsville Public Library, Crawfordsville, Indiana.

Those members present were as follows: Commissioner Phil Bane, Chairman; Commissioner William D. McCormick, Vice Chairman; Deanna Durrett, Member/Executive Secretary; Dave Rhoads, Member; Jack Grimble, Member; Surveyor Tom Cummins; and Drainage Board Secretary Lori Dossett.

Also present: Drainage Board Attorney Suanne Milligan; Building Administrator Marc Bonwell; Aleasha Shelley, Journal-Review; Rob Durrett; David Foster; Morris Davis; Marian Lindow-League of Women Voters; Mark Kessler; Berley Britton, Norma Britton, Larry Gentry; Kenny Pearson.

Chairman Phil Bane called the meeting to order @ 6:30 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance and Alan Goff led the prayer.


John Galey Drain - Surveyor Cummins advised that there is no urgency to rescind the pending reconstruction. The matter will remain on Old Business.

- Surveyor Cummins advised that there is no urgency to rescind the pending reconstruction. The matter will remain on Old Business.

Appointment of New 2008 Drainage Board Member - The Board is continuing the process of appointing a new member of the Drainage Board. The new Board member should reside in the southwest part of the County to give all of the County equal representation.

- The Board is continuing the process of appointing a new member of the Drainage Board. The new Board member should reside in the southwest part of the County to give all of the County equal representation.
Surveyor Job Description - Deanna Durrett moved that the Board approve the Surveyor's job description as presented. Dave Rhoads seconded. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.

Bill McCormick moved to send the Surveyor's job description on to the Commissioners for approval. Jack Grimble seconded. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.

Mark Kessler - Stormwater Plan - Kessler advised that he is in the process of a drainage plan. Mr. Kessler was given a 60 day extension.

- Deanna Durrett moved that the Board approve the Surveyor's job description as presented. Dave Rhoads seconded. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.

Bill McCormick moved to send the Surveyor's job description on to the Commissioners for approval. Jack Grimble seconded. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.

Mark Kessler - Stormwater Plan - Kessler advised that he is in the process of a drainage plan. Mr. Kessler was given a 60 day extension.

- Kessler advised that he is in the process of a drainage plan. Mr. Kessler was given a 60 day extension.
County Code - Drainage Board Section - Deanna Durrett requested that the Board review the current drainage code and re-evaluate decisions regarding advisory board and landowners performing their own work. Commissioner McCormick moved to take the County Code under advisement. Dave Rhoads seconded. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.

Approval of Non-Assessed Drains - Deanna Durrett advised that the hearings to put drains back on assessment are similar as rate increase hearings. Durrett distributed "Drain Watershed and Assessment Hearing Project Priority and Plan" to the Board for review.

- Deanna Durrett requested that the Board review the current drainage code and re-evaluate decisions regarding advisory board and landowners performing their own work. Commissioner McCormick moved to take the County Code under advisement. Dave Rhoads seconded. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.

Approval of Non-Assessed Drains - Deanna Durrett advised that the hearings to put drains back on assessment are similar as rate increase hearings. Durrett distributed "Drain Watershed and Assessment Hearing Project Priority and Plan" to the Board for review.

- Deanna Durrett advised that the hearings to put drains back on assessment are similar as rate increase hearings. Durrett distributed "Drain Watershed and Assessment Hearing Project Priority and Plan" to the Board for review.
Raymond Weliever Drain - Miranda S. Vogel filed a Petition for Attachment to the Raymond Weliever Drain. Surveyor Cummins advised that Mr. Vogel's house will be located far away from the road and he is requesting to attach a 4" tile to the Raymond Weliever Drain. Deanna Durrett moved to grant Mr. Vogel's request. Dave Rhoads seconded. After discussion, 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.

James Hose Drain - Deanna Durrett advised that an engineering firm has been chosen for the OCRA planning grant. The approval of the grant should be received at the end of February, first of March.

- Miranda S. Vogel filed a Petition for Attachment to the Raymond Weliever Drain. Surveyor Cummins advised that Mr. Vogel's house will be located far away from the road and he is requesting to attach a 4" tile to the Raymond Weliever Drain. Deanna Durrett moved to grant Mr. Vogel's request. Dave Rhoads seconded. After discussion, 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.

James Hose Drain - Deanna Durrett advised that an engineering firm has been chosen for the OCRA planning grant. The approval of the grant should be received at the end of February, first of March.

Deanna Durrett advised that an engineering firm has been chosen for the OCRA planning grant. The approval of the grant should be received at the end of February, first of March.

Albert Hysong Drain - Deanna Durrett advised that the County is waiting to hear from Hendricks County to move forward.

- Deanna Durrett advised that the County is waiting to hear from Hendricks County to move forward.

Public Comment -

Dave Foster, Foster Farm Drainage requested that the Surveyor's office consider notifying contractors by other means than strictly email. He requested that letters or faxes being sent out also.

Drainage Board Meeting Schedule - January 14, 2008 will be an organizational meeting and a decision will be made at that time to set a meeting schedule. Dave Rhoads moved to hold one drainage board meeting in December. Jack Grimble seconded. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.
Basil VanCleave Drain - Chairman Bane opened the Basil VanCleave Drain hearing @ 7:30 p.m. Deanna Durrett advised that the Notice of Hearing had not been properly published. Bill McCormick moved to postpone the hearing on the Basil VanCleave Drain to Monday, December 10, 2007 @ 6:45 p.m.

Bill McCormick moved to adjourn. Jack Grimble seconded. There being no further business before the Drainage Board, the meeting was adjourned. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.

- January 14, 2008 will be an organizational meeting and a decision will be made at that time to set a meeting schedule. Dave Rhoads moved to hold one drainage board meeting in December. Jack Grimble seconded. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.
Basil VanCleave Drain - Chairman Bane opened the Basil VanCleave Drain hearing @ 7:30 p.m. Deanna Durrett advised that the Notice of Hearing had not been properly published. Bill McCormick moved to postpone the hearing on the Basil VanCleave Drain to Monday, December 10, 2007 @ 6:45 p.m.

Bill McCormick moved to adjourn. Jack Grimble seconded. There being no further business before the Drainage Board, the meeting was adjourned. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.

- Chairman Bane opened the Basil VanCleave Drain hearing @ 7:30 p.m. Deanna Durrett advised that the Notice of Hearing had not been properly published. Bill McCormick moved to postpone the hearing on the Basil VanCleave Drain to Monday, December 10, 2007 @ 6:45 p.m.

Bill McCormick moved to adjourn. Jack Grimble seconded. There being no further business before the Drainage Board, the meeting was adjourned. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned @ 7:45 p.m.

Minutes prepared by Lori Dossett, Drainage Board Secretary.

Lori Dossett, Secretary

Phil Bane, Chairman


William D. McCormick, Vice Chairman


Deanna Durrett, Member


Dave Rhoads, Member


Jack Grimble, Member