February, 2014 - Veterans Newsletter

February Veterans notes


Men remember this month is Valentine's Day, do something nice for your wife!


Speaking of nice, I want to speak about Charles Scruggs and Brandon Hawkons who came to me with the idea of helping remember the veterans in our assisted living and nursing homes in Montgomery County at Christmastime. Come to find out we had 39 veterans at the time and they wanted to get them Christmas gifts.  That got the ball rolling and several people came forward with donations to include Walmart and our own American Legion Post 72.  They ended up with over $700 to use to buy for the veterans.  I do know that Command Sergeant Major Scruggs was in his full uniform and Brandon dressed up as Santa Clause.  That was all done on December 22nd and I believe all enjoyed their time remembering our veterans.  Thanks again Charlie and Brandon for putting action to your thoughts.

I was at the Indianapolis VA this past week and found out that at this time they are not issue VA ID cards as they are updating their entire system for Cards.  I am not sure when it will be up and running again.  In the meantime, if you want to update your Driver's License you can have "veteran" put on the back of your license, just have a copy of your DD-214 with you when you update your license.

Honor Flight will be active again this year and we will be flying our WW2 and Korean War vets to DC to see their memorials.  If you want to be part of this call me or send me an email.  We are flying on May 5th and September 29th and October 27th.  All of those dates are a Monday.  If is just a one day trip. The Sunday before we fly we have a Meet and Greet at the Lafayette Armory for all those going.  It still cost guardians just $400 to fly with the veteran who pays nothing for the trip.

I wish you all a great February and if you need my help with anything relating to the VA let me know.

Joe Ellis, Veterans Affairs Officer

765-361-4133 (office) 765-401-0433 (cell)