Veterans Service Officer Update for August, 2014

I want to say a big belated Happy Birthday to those that served with the US Coast Guard who has celebrated its 224th anniversary of serving the US.  On the date of August 4th 1790 the US Coast Guard was formed when Congress authorized the construction of 10 vessels to enforce tarriff's and trade laws, preventing smuggling and protect the collection of Federal Revenue.  It continues today with added responsibility of patrolling our waters for terrorists.  They do a fantastic job.

We have an update on the VA investigations and what Congress has done just recently. Congress followed suit with the House of Representatives and passed sweeping legislation to overhaul the Veteran Affiars Department.  The bill calls for $16.3 billion in spending to expand community health care options for Veterans that face long wait times and commutes.  They will be looking to hire more doctors and nurses and give the Director the ability to fire Key administrative types for due cause.  The Communication Care option is where the VA Health Care will advise patients to see civiliian doctors for a patent that has a long wait to see a VA doctor.  I am making the assumption (which is dangerous) that it is like what I had to do to get an eye exam.  The VA was so full they gave me a ltter allowing me to see a local eye doctor here in town.  They spoke to me first to make sure it was O.K. with by me.  If this cuts down on the wait times for some Veterans and it is with competent health care providers, I am for it. President Obama is to sign the bill this week.

For those Motorcycle Riders out there come and be a part of the 1st Annual Ride for Veterans. This is to help raise money for Honor Flight Lafayette and will be located at the New Boiler Harley-Davidson Store in Lafayette off of State Road 26.  it is being built right next to the Wal-Mart off of Indiana 26 & I-65, 225 Progress Drive in Lafayette.  The date is Saturday, September 20, 2014 and we will start to register bikes and riders at 10 am then blessing of the bikdes at 11 am followed by the first bike out.  The cost is $25 per bike $10 per passenger and we will have coffee and doughnuts and free lunch and prizes.  Contact Joe Ellis to sign up or go onlin at

As always, give me a call or email me if you have questions about benefits.