Meeting Summary of the 3-13-23 Board of Commissioners Meeting
Meeting Summary
Montgomery County Board of Commissioners Meeting
March 13, 2023
Consent Agenda Approved
Approval of Claims: February 27, 2023 to March 13, 2023
Payroll 3/10: $
Accounts Payable: $
Minutes: February 27, 2023
Approving Motorola Contract
The Motorola contract is for the purchase of the radio consoles for the Central Communications Center (CCC). The CCC Governing Board and the Commissioners have approved the purchase. The Council will consider the approval of the purchase and the loan with Tri-County at their March 14 meeting.
Acknowledge Receipt of RDC 2022 Annual Report
RDC's (Redevelopment Commission) are required to annually file an annual report with the County Executive (Commissioners) and the County Fiscal Body (Council). After approvals the annual reports are submitted to the DLGF by the County Auditor.
New Business
Request to Name Private Driveway - Ruth/Jason Leaming
Approved “Leaming Lane” as the name of the private drive located on the Leaming property outside of the City limits on 136E.
Authorizing the Serving of Alcohol at Event at the Government Center
Approved Athens Arts request to utilize the County Government Center for an art event and to serve wine during the event at the County Government Center.
On April 22, Athens Arts is hosting an event in which attendees, in groups of 20, will visit four art galleries in Crawfordsville to view the art, listen to music, enjoy finger foods and taste some wine.
The wine tasting will involve tasting two types of wine in two glasses of 1 to 1.5 ounces. The wine will be served by a licensed bartender. Athens Arts will obtain the necessary state permits and sign an indemnification agreement.
Award Bid & Issue Notice to Proceed for CCMG Paving Project
Awarded the Community Crossing Matching Grant paving bid to Reith Riley for the amount of $1,214,158.05.
Reith & Riley was the lowest and most responsible bidder. Montgomery County was awarded $999,542.03 from the State of Indiana our match will be $249,885.51. This will be used to pave 6.678 miles and those roads are:
CR 500 S from SR 231 to SR 47
CR 100 W from New Market Limits to CR 500S
CR 500 E from CR 300 N to SR 47
CR 200 E from 150 S to Elmore Street
Traction Road from CR 400 E to City Limits
CR 300 S from SR 47 to US 231
Approving Expense from ARPA
Approved the use of ARPA funds to reimburse the County Surveyor for the engineering expenses of the Claude Moody drainage project in Mace. The engineer is Clark Dietz and the estimated cost for reimbursement is $217,016.91. ARPA funds were used to fund a portion of the construction costs, as well.