4-8-24 Board of Commissioners Meeting Summary
Board of Commissioners Meeting Summary
April 8, 2024
Approval of Claims: AP & 4/5 Payroll
Minutes: March 25, 2024
Approve Hearing Date for Petition to Vacate Alley & Jackson Street in Parkersburg-Monday, May 13, 2024 @ 8am - Petition filed by Dwayne L. Scott, Jr. to vacate an unimproved alley and Jackson Street in Parkersburg, Indiana.
2023 Highway Operational Report -
Annual Operations Report- IC 8-17-4.1 and Public Law 173, Acts of 2003 require all counties and certain municipalities (those with population of 20,000 or more) to prepare an operational report for the prior calendar year of the department within the county or municipality that has road and street responsibilities.
Authorization to Purchase Total Patcher
Authorized the Highway Department to purchase a new total patcher to replace the current patcher. The current patcher is a 2006 model that the County purchased used from the City of Frankfort. It has several thousand hours on it and it is at the end of its life cycle. Equipment Marketing is the only total patcher manufacture. The total cost of the patcher is $92,900. This amount has been budgeted to replace the current machine.
2nd Reading Ordinance 2024-10: Amending Policy Prohibiting Food and Drinks at the Courthouse
Ordinance creates new section in the County Code to prohibit visitors to the Montgomery County Courthouse from bringing food or beverages in to the Courthouse.
Resolution 2024-7 Authorizing the Use of Alternate Leasing Procedure
The County owns 4.77 acres at the corner of Nucor Road and US 136 that was previously harvested for hay. The County intends to lease the property for the harvesting of the crop. The Resolution finds that the traditional procedure for leasing real estate under Indiana Code 36-1-11-10 is not feasible based on the need to get the real estate under lease in a short period of time in order to allow crops to be planted and harvested and authorizes an alternative procedure which requires the County to solicit a request for proposals.
Resolution 2024-8 Approving Transfer Agreement with Trinity Horizons
The Commissioners previously approved a Memorandum of Understanding with Trinity Horizons (Trinity) for the transfer of property at 1101 North Whitlock Avenue. The Resolution approves the transfer agreement.