ADA/Title VI

The American with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 is a Federal Civil Rights Legislation, which mandates non-discrimination to persons with disabilities.  The U.S. Congress signed the ADA in 1990, and it went into effect in 1992.  The ADA is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in access to jobs, public accommodations and governmental services and programs, public transportation, and telecommunications.  Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973:

"No otherwise qualified (disabled) individual in the United States shall solely by reason of (disability), be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal Financial Assistance."

Montgomery County recognizes that it is important for its facilities, programs, and services to be available to all of its citizens and the general public.  Montgomery County further understands that some of its existing facilities, programs and services may have met accessibility requirements previously, but may not now, or may not in the future, as standards are revised or new standards developed.  Therefore, in order to fulfill its commitment to endeavor to provide equal access to all of its public programs, services, facilities for citizens with disabilities, and in compliance with the ADA, the Montgomery County has developed an American with Disabilities Act Transition Plan (ADA Transition Plan).  To develop this plan, the Montgomery County completed what types of access barriers exist for individuals with disabilities.  This information was used to develop the Montgomery County ADA Transition Plan.  This plan will be used to guide future planning and implementation of accessibility improvements. {Montgomery County, Indiana ADA Self-Evaluation & Transition Plan}

ADA Grievance Complaint